Saturday, November 7, 2009

How do i get my teen daughter invited to pilot season?

She already has an agent, but we have never discussed pilot season. I hear about people going but we have never gone. How does it all work?
How do i get my teen daughter invited to pilot season?
Keep in regular contact with your agent. If you call once a week to ask if there's anything coming up, your daughter will be fresh in their mind and they'll be more likely to send her headshot and resume out for projects.

What normally happens:

1. A casting director sends a notice out for the type they need (ex. We are casting a 13-16 year-old girl next door type)

2. An agency sends headshots and resumes to the casting director

3. The casting director picks several he likes and sends scenes from the script (called "sides") to the agency

4. The chosen girls do a video tape audition with the sides

5. The casting director keeps narrowing it down, selecting a few girls from the tapes he's seen to do another taped audition or will fly them out for a screen test

6. The process really just continues from here, narrowing it down from many actors to just one

In some sense, it's a game of chance. If your daughter doesn't have the exact look they're going for at the moment, it won't matter how talented she is. In the same way, she could beat out more talented kids because SHE has the right look.

The best thing you can do is talk to her agent about what your goals are and see what he thinks is the best thing to do. There may be classes or networking opportunities that he is aware of that could definitely help.

If he can't help's time to look for another agent who will.

Even though I invite her to see my webcam, she cannot,but I can see hers?

Try this: Click messenger top left, scroll down and click preferences then scroll down and click webcam where you can make adjustments, click o.k. To make sure it is o.k. click messenger top left, scroll down and click my webcam. and your webcam should come on. You should also run your call setup. Click actions top row of the messenger window scroll down click call setup and follow the prompts. When you are chatting with someone click on webcam in the chat window. I hope that is of some help. My own opinion is that if you are going to be webcamming regularly download windows live messenger to me it is far better than Yahoo messenger.

Even though I invite her to see my webcam, she cannot,but I can see hers?
I agree with Rick. I have been on hotmail while the other person is on yahoo, and it usually doesn't work. Also I have been on yahoo, while they are on msn, and it's the same. I now use only hotmail for webcamming and it is so much better, and way more user friendly. So you might want to think about getting a hotmail with messenger account if you are doing this alot/ Good Luck
Reply:Messenger "9" 1st version was in Beta (testing) form. The newest version is not, But it's not working well either. Stick to 8.1 until they work out the Bugs. Including people using 8.1 trying to message ones with 9 or reverse they are having compatibility problems; like text not showing,pictures not showing. It shuts down on Vista users , not allowing people to log in.Web cams do not always work. Many things do not work or are missing that YM 8.1 has. It Seems for Vista users it is so buggy Yahoo is giving up on it and are no longer trying to fix it.

Download 8.1 here;

Yahoo 8.1:

Use this method: Start,My PC, C drive, open Program files.Next open Yahoo file then Messenger file.Click on UNWISE to Un install messenger 9 completely. Do not just delete yahoo file as this can cause problems with other Yahoo programs.

Your contacts list and messages are stored online and will be there when you return to 8.1 messenger.

Another big problem is with the latest update for Flash Player

Flash player 10 Does have conflicts,and 9's latest update Can have conflicts with Yahoo(very rarely, if you are using it with no problems keep it) and is causing some Yahoo Messenger services to not load.Use the link below for a download of Flash player # It should work as it's the latest before . You have to remove the present flash player,add/remove programs in control panel, then download the older version.

More help can be found here;

How is it different that Columbia invites a terrorist to speak but not the Minutemen?

As an employer I won't hire any columbia graduate to work in my firm and I am going to research very carefully the ways I can "legally" dismiss the two I already employ.With any luck they'll be gone by Xmas.Certainly I will be looking extra close to dismiss for cause.These two are employable...but not for my company.
How is it different that Columbia invites a terrorist to speak but not the Minutemen?
I dont see why there is a problem with him going to Columbia. I mean the people who don't want to see him speak will not see him speak and the ones who do will. This is america and we have freedom of speech. I don't understand why we are so afraid to hear the other side. I think the man is a terrorist but the fact that the government is trying so hard to make his visit hell makes me think there is something to hide and makes me want to hear what he has to say. We should have the freedom to hear what he has to say if we choose to. And if Columbia wants to invite him they can. And I am glad even you know that the Minute men are in the same category as this terrorist.
Reply:I don't know who you mean by Terrorist, but Mr. Gilchrest was disinvited because of the security and turmoil he caused last time.

You can do what you want in your company, but be careful about stating what you plan to do "legally." Seek counsel if this is an actual issue, but making up lies and excuses will only bring on a HUGE lawsuit. If your state is an "at-will" state, making up a cause will give you problems, too.

Second, you're being completely irrational. You're blaming your employees, who you have no complaints about, for the actions of the undergraduates of an institution that they attended, when they weren't even there! Neither of these employees, at least as far as you've told us, performed any part in participating in the 2006 incident where Mr. Gilcrest left, or this year, where a nonpartisan organization invited Mr. Gilcrest back and disinvited him for whatever reasons. It's this sort of irrational behavior that causes businesses to go bankrupt, or at least make the business less profitable because you can't find good workers (I, for one, would not work for any employer who fired a past employee for such a ridiculous reason.)




DO NOT follow Bob's (probably sarcastic) advice... if you do, not only will you face a civil lawsuit, you'll face criminal charges, too.
Reply:Institutes of "higher learning" are notoriously liberal. As we know liberals will side with the enemy to further their own agendas.
Reply:Wow. What a fine American you are. Tell us all what your company's name is so we can report you for illegally discriminating in the work place.
Reply:Greetings. the terrorist is not a threat to our present government, actually is a very necessary person for the continuation of the occupation and the continued looting of the oil fields there. the minuteman though is a threat to the wanna be dictator and his people. minutemen are as evil as the actual militia to those who want to be king or dictator since they are the peoples last defense against tyranny by our own government against them. so Minutemen evil. Terrorists good.
Reply:Good, do it. Then they can file an unlawful dismissal suit against you and sue your butt off. That should teach you to respect the right of others to think what they want.

You don't seem to have a problem with a terrorist in your own White House----why are you so PO'd at one from somewhere else giving a speech?
Reply:Don't blame you a bit!!! There is something terribly wrong when terrorists are put on a pedestal and anyone speaking against them are labeled "vigilante". Columbia just did a virtual "slap in the face" to every 9/11 victim and survivor.

So u invite your friends to supper and after they leave....?

do u call/email them to say "thanks for coming" or is it them who should call and say thanks first? Like i know its always better to take the initiative but what is the rule?
So u invite your friends to supper and after they leave....?
Hi hon:

I can say from experience...that when I am invited for dinner I always take a gift..usually a plant or candle or since I love to knit ...slippers...if to a couples house....two pairs of slippers!!! LOL ..I always offer to help with dishes and such..refused usually.. Often I will take a bottle of wine...depends...each invite is different. I always thank them for having me.

You opened up your home and for that your guests should be thankful.

You could say at the door as they are leaving.."I am so glad you came." Or something like that...

I don't think there is a definitive rule here...lots of ways it could be handled, depends a lot on relationship of guests etc...babbling

Ultmately I think it is the guest that should say Thank

Reply:Emily Post says that a 'thank you' is rarely wrong.

In this case, your friends should send you a small note of thanks, and in that case you can respond with something along the lines of, 'I am so glad you enjoyed it!'

If the people that you invited never say anything about it again, then you know not to invite those people again.
Reply:Your friends should be the one who should "thank you" for inviting them to dinner. Wait one week for their response. If they don't think about thanking you, then send them an email saying "Hi. How you doing? I hope you enjoyed the dinner I made last week. Gotta go for now. Talk to you later." (that way you are not forcing a thank you from them).

PS. They should either say thank you in email or phone or mail you a thank you card.
Reply:I think its nice of you to call them and tell them that you are so glad they came over for dinner, that you had a really nice time, hope you can do it again soon, etc.

They can also call you, but its not really necessary if they are your good friends.
Reply:They should thank you when they leave your house after the supper and you thank them for coming, and that's it. No more thanking from you or them by calls or emails.
Reply:There's no rule. Did you thank each other before they left? They may call or send you a thank you, but how much thanks does someone need?
Reply:No, you do neither one. They will send you a thank you. You simply respond with "It was good to be able to get together - it was fun!"

You don't call them. You provided the hospitality

They call you (if they are polite)
fantasy name

How would you feel if your sister told you that she wasn't going to invite your husband to her party?

I have read you last 4 questions and correct me if I'm wrong they all stem from your husband hurting you in some way.

I can see this is not a good night for heart goes out to you. We all have those moments.

Your sister is acting out of love for you and trying to protect you from what she sees. She in her heart is trying to protect your best interest because out of love for you she thinks you are not thinking clearly and acting out of a blind love for hubbie. So how would I feel? I would know she means well and is trying to protect me from getting hurt again.

You on the other hand need to see this in her. If you feel your husband has felt the pain he caused you to feel, and is truly trying to make it up to you , then you have the confidence to stand by his side. Did you seek counseling also if the hurt was severe enough ?

If you choose to stand by him, then do so with her also. Tell her you know she loves you and has your best interest in mind but you know him better than her. If she choose to not let him attend an event still, then stand by your man and don't you go either.
How would you feel if your sister told you that she wasn't going to invite your husband to her party?
I would feel hurt.
Reply:First off I would feel she is trying to split the family apart. Trying to make you chose sides..Allowing a distance which could cause further distances with family members in regards to your husband as well. I am in that situation currently. I made the option either we both come or I do not attend. So where birthday/holidays are concerned presents are taken and given to them or left by the door if they are not home. We still speak by phone or email but that is it. Other family members can not rule your life only you can.

It takes time to come to terms with a situation like this but it's ok. If you love your husband and he loves you, you follow your heart. Sometimes family can be wrong in situations like this.
Reply:I would first exam why she would say this, and if the reason is true. I would go to the party because sisters are csuppose to be close no matter what. Your husband should understand if not then your sister not letting him go must be examed again.
Reply:I understand what you're asking but your sister has to know that this is the man you chose to spend the rest of your life with. He's your other half and if she wants you to be there then she should also let your husband come along. He's part of the family now, whether she likes it or not.
Reply:It would not bother me a single bit...WHY?

Because I would not invite her bas***d of a husband to my house either!

Let me tell you, he beats her, the kid and their dog ( He has already killed one of HER dogs!) why would I want a sick SOB like him in my house? I would not.

However, in your situation...I would ask her why?

Explain to her that you do not understand why your hubby is not invited. Then, go from there.

I hope this helps..Blessings n hugs

Can anyone invite me to gmail account, please. I am living in canada?

Can anyone invite me to gmail account, please. I am living in canada?
Sure, message me your email address and I'll send you an invite.
Reply:somebody must be able to. everyone who has gmail can invite a certain number of people.

What is proper etiquette when sending invites to a destination wedding?

Ok so here is the deal we are planning a destination wedding for next august in Cabo San Lucas, and will have a reception at home for those that could not attend . should i send invitations for the actual cabo wedding to everyone with a note inside about the reception back home?
What is proper etiquette when sending invites to a destination wedding?
My cousin just got married in Hawaii they got married on a Sat and then stayed there for a week and had a huge reception the Sun after they got back from Hawaii When they sent out their invites they had a separate insert that was the invite to the reception back home so that people would not feel pressured into having to fly out to Hawaii and they had a nice slide show of the ceremony at the reception. Just make sure you mail out your invites earlier then normal so that the people who can afford and want to go to Cabo San Lucas can book their flights and take their vacation time. My cousins had a lot of people go to both because they gave them enough notice.
Reply:wait until you get your RSVP back for the wedding and you know whos going and who's not. then after the wedding (or shortly before, depending on how soon you want the second reception) when you get back send out the invite to those who couldn't go for the second reception. this way you do not have to pay for people to go to both. it keeps things better organized for whos going to what and then you don't have people bail out of your destination either.
Reply:I do not know what you are really supposed to do, but I would. I would send all invites and then put at the very bottom....For our friends and loved ones unable to attend, we will be having a reception for you to celebrate with us at home in July.

I think that would be appropriate. I do not know if Miss Manners would agree, but I would like to see something like that on a destination wedding invitation for a wedding I could not attend. Good luck.

Im looking for a demonoid reg code can any one help me out with an invite code?

please help me with this i would really love the help
Im looking for a demonoid reg code can any one help me out with an invite code?
If you want an invite to demonoid go to and search demonoid invites. The first sites that they list should help you out.These sites have contests and giveaways for demonoid invites
dog names

What is the proper etiquette for inviting work people to my baby shower?

I have about 3 ladies I'm close to at my corporate office who I would love to invite. I don't expect them to come because none of use live close to each other - but I'd like to send an invitation to be nice. Does that obligate them to come? What about the other 15 women in the office? Or do you keep work people out of things like this?
What is the proper etiquette for inviting work people to my baby shower?
if I were you I would invite them personally and very discreetly.

congratulations! .
Reply:Giving them an invitation will not obligate them to come, so you don't need to worry about that. Don't worry about the other people at work either. It is your shower and you can invite whomever you like. If you are only going to invite the three of them, simply be discrete about it. Hand the invitation to them personally when no one else is around, or leave it on their office chair.
Reply:i think that they should have one for you instead of you inviting them.
Reply:invite whomever you want. you do not have to include anyone from work or everyone from work. i would give the ladies that you would like to come an invitation. they are not obligated to come if you invited them, but the thought of being invited is always nice.
Reply:Wanting to invite them even though they may not be able to come becuase of distance is perfect etiquette. They won't feel obligated to come if distance prohibits. Since you will only invite 3 out of 15, I'd send them an invite to their home address.

I assume you won't have a shower at work (or not at work, thrown by colleagues). If you were going to have one at work, I'd say don't re-invite the 3 to this shower since they'd feel obligated to get 2 gifts.
Reply:Etiquette? Since when has it been deemed proper to give one's self a baby shower?

There is NO proper way to invite people to an event that requires giving the host or hostess a gift. That includes bridal and baby showers.
Reply:I would suggest having a pot luck at work/baby shower but confirm with the management before doing this, it makes for a wonderful evening of bonding and getting to know each other and u will get lots of free stuff for the little bun in the oven

Girl, ask management first, we dont know if youre going to get a solicitation infringement at work for following our advice:) good luck!
Reply:You can invite whoever you want. Send them a small written invitation.

It does not obligate them to come, they can gratiously decline. Though it would be proper for them to send a gift anyway.
Reply:it is fine to invite the 3 ladies u r close with. The other 15 women will be fine due to the reason u r not close to all other 15 women. that is understandable. but if u feel like someone or maybe more than 3 other women from the 15 women might feel bad then dont invite any. Maybe someone is already planning a surprise baby shower for you. Maybe it is one of the 3 ladies u r close to ! :O you never know...
Reply:You send it to their mailing address. You are not obligated to invite anyone that you don't want there, the other people in the office should understand. The invite also doesn't oblige them to attend, just that their attendance is desired.

If i got a student visa i can invite my wifeand children?

To even think of doing such a thing, you will have to have proof that you can financially pay for your family's living expenses as well a educational expenses. Depending on where you attend school, it would probably run, for school, for you, alone, $50,000. - $100,000. alone. You would also have to pay for your children's schooling on your own. This would be cash in your bank account or other assets you have in your name.

None of your family would be able to work.
If i got a student visa i can invite my wifeand children?
Sure you can! F2 visas may be issued for them. Here read up on it.
Reply:If you are on F1, with the proof of your status, your wife and children can apply F2 visa at US Embassy.
Reply:i doubt it. first of all? immigration will automatically assume they will come to stay ,
Reply:The question cannot be answered in general. It depends on

鈥?the country to which you have applied for the visa

鈥?your financial capability to support your familiy for the stay

Please submit further information by using the "edit - add details" function of Y!A.

When a guy says just ok when you invite them to a group movie with your co workers?

Well it's both of our co workers.I said you're more than welcome to join us. It'll be next weekend. But all he could say in response is ok. Not sure if it's ok because he's interested in going or what.What do you think?
When a guy says just ok when you invite them to a group movie with your co workers?
They probably have problems with commitment. If they do, the best thing to do, is invite them to group social events more often. Once they realize that it's no strings attached they will feel comfortable. Then it will be something to do if they are bored. Which can lead to them becoming part of the group.
Reply:you won't know until you either ask him, or you see him at the movies.

Should I invite my Girlfriend over while I'm cooking her Valentines Dinner for her??

I'm making chicken, rice and some green beans... I haven't really cooked a lot.

Should I ask her to help or have her over while I make it (so she can have some entertainment :D) or should I have it all ready for her when she gets here?
Should I invite my Girlfriend over while I'm cooking her Valentines Dinner for her??
ask her over when your almost done, have most of it ready and sitting on the table, but have like 10 minutes left for the chicken or something, this will show her that youve put a lot of effort into making the food for her, without making her wait the whole time
Reply:in the past... my boyfriend did the same thing for's very nice!!!

Yeah, call her to come over while you're still cooking.
Reply:Have her there when you cook. Girls totally fall for that. Share a cup of wine, let her sit at the table and chat while you chop the veggs. Together-time = good times :)
Reply:sure if you think your an entertaining cook
Reply:i'd think you guys would have more fun if you guys cooked together. how romantic would that be right?
Reply:I would cook it for her but if she offers to help, let her. If you get stuck, ask her help. She might like it if you show your vulnerability. But, if you can do it all, do it. If you mess up, there's always delivery or a nice restaurant. Make reservations now. You can cancel later if everything works out. Good luck.
Reply:Invite her over so you guys can spend more time together...or just go with the cooking naked idea...wear an apron.
Reply:NO, you should suprise her and have it made before she gets her over before your done though, so it will be ready when she arrives... Don not ask her to help, what a turn off!
Reply:its nice to cook together

but if you want to concentrate to make it special then no

you might get caught up and burn something

things could get hot!

either way

but if you decide to cook with her

then make sure you have something prepared as well.

at the very least chilled wine

music and a gift

maybe even play a get to know each other board game while it cooks-- not necessarily a sexual one
Reply:yes..nice idea. if she does well in cooking, continue her friendship and end with marriage. if she spoils, give her party and continue her friendship only. another thing, if she comes happily, utilise her help and avail this opportunity for calling every time you prepare for special functions too.
Reply:You do the cooking. Run her a hot bath and pour her a glass of wine. When she's out the bath and chilled out, serve up the food! Sounds nice by the way! I'm hungry now!
Reply:no make it a surprise..she'll love the fact that you tried without her help to make it better. if she doesn't like it...don't her mind she's thinking about how sweet it was for u to try.
Reply:Have her come over while you're cooking, and cook NAKED!
Reply:Either way - If you don't think it will be a distraction to you while you're cooking , then yes, definitely invite her. If you'd rather try to get everything just the way you want it before she gets there....then that is still a very very wonderful gift.

You win either way pretty much...just depends if you want her to see the "end product" or the mess you make along the way!
Reply:Get her over there asap to entertain you while you cook for her, if you catch my drift.
Reply:If you live alone you can make it entertaining.. if not.. do what feels right just as long as the food doesn't burn!
Reply:Hmm...either will work. If you are a bit of a slob in the kitchen, then have it ready. Cooking together, however, can be like foreplay.
Reply:i think it's a nice gesture to invite her over and feel like she is being waited on as long as you feel comfortable with it....and as long as you're old enough - you should open a bottle of wine and let her have a glass while you're cooking - i think that's very very romantic ;)
Reply:have her cook with u bonding time r u spanish
Reply:Have her over while you cook, she'll either be impressed with your culinary prowess, or get a good laugh, either way, it'll be fun.
Reply:Yes. Invite her over while you are cooking. You can have her taste the food while it's being prepared and you can kiss in between! My sweetheart does that all the time for me while he's cooking and I just love it. Even if he insist I don't help, I just love sitting in the kitchen watching him cook. Something about a man cooking for you makes me feel loved, cared for, special and it is ultra sexy. I say go for it and Happy Valentines Day!
Reply:You should have it ready for her. It is more romantic to see everything laid out for her, for her to walk in and see a whole dinner prepared will make her feel all mushy inside.
Reply:i would say invite her when your cooking and cook together :) good luck with your dish :D
Reply:Why not wait until you have cooked it, tasted it to be sure it's Okay and then eaten it all yourself? Just have "her" for dessert!
Reply:I think you should have all of it planed out and started. Make sure you have a special drink to give her when she gets there. Then you and chit chat and fix some garlic bread together while it cooks.

Happy Valentines Day, Have Fun !!!
Reply:Yes and give her wine.

That way she can relax and talk to you while you cook.
Reply:I think its cute if you have her over so she can watch you make diner thats what my hobby did and we eneded up having sex because of how turn on I got seen him cook.
Reply:sure so that he know how heartly u make 4 her
Reply:That really sweet bless ya but you dont cook much so it will probably be quite stressful trying to get it you should have the meal ready for when she gets there and she wont want to help this is her day of being a princess would you ask a princess to help you cook. just make her feel really special im sure it will go fine good luck :)
Reply:Yes, absolutely have her there while you are cooking!! That is very impressive for a woman to have her guy cook for her. I think she would enjoy that!

Of course, unless, you think you may burn something or mess it up in some way. But lots of woman find that endearing as well. can always order take out and have a laugh!

Happy Valentine's Day...

Enjoy your dinner date!
Reply:heck yeah! cooking together is really fun, and kind of sexy too!
dog names

Would you invite your Partner into your house on a First Date?

and What is your sign?
Would you invite your Partner into your house on a First Date?
Do you mean just letting him into the house? Or are you implying something more? I have no problem inviting someone in to my house, for a drink, or to see around. It's not really a big deal...I wouldn't go out of my way to do it, but if the circumstance arrived, I'd let them in. I know where to draw the line, and if they tried anything funny, I'd just kick them out, and know that they weren't worth my time.


Edit: Actually...I can't really answer this question correctly. Because I would never date anybody that I have not already come to know as a person. I don't date just to date, or go to dinner with people I've met for the first time. So I would probably already know the person I was "dating" well enough to invite them inside for nothing more than friendly conversation.
Reply:Yes, inviting someone into the house is fine with me but nothing is going to happen between me and him. I've so far never dated anyone i don't know personally, meaning they're either my friends, colleagues, school mates i feel quite safe to invite them in. But if .. if one crazy day i decide to date a random stranger, then no. :)

Reply:Well it actually depends. If I knew that person from before our first date and is really close, then yeah, of course :)

But erm... if its the first time that I've met that person... then NO! If he tries to get inside my house at all, despite how well the date went, I'll grab a steel stick and chase him away! (joking)

My friend faced a bad consequence because she let her first date in... don't want to deal with the same consequence. (serious)
Reply:If I knew him well before we started dating then yes, definitely.

If I didn't know him that well then I would say "I'm sorry but my cat is sick.. she is throwing up green stuff and she gets nervous whenever she see's someone she doesnt know.. She needs to calm first.. and I think I have diarrhea right now" and run in the house and lock my doors..

My god I am a sick person, I lie to my own date :(
Reply:Yeah, I would let the other person in, and possibly let, in my case, her spend the night.

I wouldn't sleep with her though.
Reply:I'm a Taurus, and no .. I wouldn't invite anyone into my house, that I don't know well .. no matter how good a date went. I have kids to protect, not to mention .. for my own safety too.
Reply:Unfortunately, I have, but nothing happened, thank God and that was on my very first date ever in life..I guess u live and learn.

Reply:of course I would, I brought lots of women home on the first date, how else are you going to get layed.

My sign . the sign I was born under was, Guelph General hospital
Reply:and the next day ill give her the keys to my house, and then the next next day we will marry! come on! lol
Reply:I've thought about it but told myself no ;-)

Not a good move I think if you want the relationship to be more than just a booty call.

Sexy Sadgie
Reply:Of course...Left-T will always invite Right-T :)

Libra...and yours is Libra .....Weird !!! Both ruled by Venus

Edit....I'm so glad that I get to choose my 2nd Right-T . A dream come true....:-)
Reply:Well, here come the thumbs down; but trash has no particular sign in the zodiac.
Reply:if it went well...not really, unless we'd been good friends before or something
Reply:It might take me about 3 to 4 months before I take my date am pretty uh...strict on the dating game...
Reply:na lol
Reply:No i won't
Reply:Nope. Cancer
Reply:depends on how hot they are, and how good the date went.

when I mean home, I don't mean to meet my family, I mean to...
Reply:Of Course!
Reply:no its too premature... but in mtv's show wanna come in?,actually some girls do that so who knows?... I wouldn't my room is always dealing with mess....
Reply:yup, i did;-)
Reply:Ummm yyyy... noooo!!!

Reply:no i wont ....well i am leo!!


:3 Can someone please send me a Wajas invite?

I've been waiting for months for the site to come back out of its 'transformation', but it seems eternal.

My email is

Thank in advance! :3
:3 Can someone please send me a Wajas invite?
You've been invited. :D

If there is a problem with the invite message me.

Should I invite colleagues to my wedding?

depends on how long youve been working with them and if you can affor it and if it feels right for you you dont want to regret inviting people just cause there your colleagues.
Should I invite colleagues to my wedding?
If you have any special friends among the level you work at, then yes, invite them. But to invite your boss - unless it's a small office and ~everyone~ is coming - might put a dampener on the proceedings.
Reply:Only if they are close friends - not strangers.
Reply:If they are close enough to be considered friends then it wouldn't hurt. If they are just acquaintances, then it really doesn't matter. The more invites, the more gifts.
Reply:heck yea, i find that some of my colleagues are some of the best people i know. if your friends with them go ahead and invite them.
Reply:yes you have to
Reply:Yes, you should invite some colleagues to your wedding, but only the ones you would consider remotely acquainted with. Especially if you are going to continue working there after your honeymoon, you will need to invite a few colleagues. Only those you deal with closely, however, are necessary.
Reply:Only those who you really feel like friends.
Reply:Not if you don't want them there. Its YOUR day.
Reply:Your wedding is just that; YOUR wedding. You aren't obligated to invite anyone at all.

If you have a lot of 'kinda-sorta-friendly' aquaintances that you're on the fence about, Figure out how many people are 100% locks on coming. Then, figure out how many more people you want to invite, and go from there.
Reply:Only if you currently interact with them outside of work to socialize.
Reply:it depends on how long you've been working there, but at my wedding I invited my mom's colleagues that I've know for years, But if you invite one you kind of have to invite them all. It's only;y fair or they will all talk to each other and then there may be hurt feelings of those who weren't invited. Sorry wedding guest list are hard and your bound to have hurt feelings or people who you just can't afford to come.
Reply:Only really close ones. Why bother sending out invites to ppl you only hv small talk with in the office or acknowledge via eye contact or only wish good morning to, but dont even know their names, much less their designation!! If you're worried they're gonna talk, dont! Its your wedding, your money, your life. COngratulations!

Should I invite them for the christening of my first child?

1. Should I invite the entire department where I belong in work?

It includes 3 managers, 1 senior manager and 5 assistants/staff. I am a manager.

I am not to close to any, though I get along with them.

2. My collage friends who I see once or twice every year.

I was very close to them but now I only see them twice or once a year.

Should I invite them???? I DONT KNOW????

Its a big christening party Im throwing.
Should I invite them for the christening of my first child?
I will answer this from the other perspective. I would not want to be invited to anyones christening UNLESS- they were either in my family, or an extremely close friend.

I wouldnt invite anyone from work unless they fell in either of these 2 catagories.
family name

Right... its my birthday in march im going to be 15. i would like to invite both boys and girls. any ideas ?

ive got a good reputation for parties...just hoping this party wont let me down.
Right... its my birthday in march im going to be 15. i would like to invite both boys and girls. any ideas ?
Yes, Just don't let anything get out of hand (don't play spin the bottle) 9avoid playing truth or dare)

ice skating



water fight (if its warm)


hope they help!
Reply:dj always a classic

or do something with teams. but make sure to mix up the teams

always try food eating contests

How to invite & chat with Windows Live friends?

How to add, invite and chat (with audio) with Windows Live people?
How to invite %26amp; chat with Windows Live friends?
You need to load yahoo messenger or Aim's messanger from aol, both are free.....SAM

Where is neyshabour...if say good answer..i invite u for this city...?

hi there try this...

Neyshabur, Khorasan, Iran

no need for a invite,bad traveller,good luck..
Where is neyshabour...if say good answer..i invite u for this city...?
thank you... Report Abuse

How to invite a person to be a friend and have the possibility to communicate on yahoo messenger?

I want to discuss on messenger with
How to invite a person to be a friend and have the possibility to communicate on yahoo messenger?
Click the + sign near top left then follow the prompts and add them to your friend's list.
scientific name

Everytime I leave, my neighbors have a party, how can I fool them for an invite?

You know this reminded me of a story, I know this guy who is very cool but not well liked, he scares others, well when someone was having a party and he did not get invited, he asked his friend who was in labor if he could have her placenta, and guess what he did with it, he went to the party and put the placenta at the bottom of the punch and that sat around and waited for others to realize what he did. Oh that was classic, so why dont you go anyway and create some madness, madness is much funner anyway.
Everytime I leave, my neighbors have a party, how can I fool them for an invite?
Act like your leaving then when they start there party knock on the door and tell them you wanted to let them know you decided not to go and say hey, your having a party, mind if I come
Reply:Talk to Fernando IV.

He can spite them for you.
Reply:lol i like chicken boy's answer!

go surprise them sharky!!
Reply:Just accept the fact that they don't want you at their parties. Sorry!
Reply:Next time you leave, drive around the block then come in through the back door and suprise 'em.
Reply:if you have to fool anyone for an invite to a party you must have other sociological issues needing attention. get help.
Reply:Are they having a party in celebration of your departure, or are they having a party because they like blasting David Lee Roth albums at all hours of the night, and feel it bothers you?

IF you and your neighbors are actually friends, next time you talk with them, tell them you don't mind loud music (occasionally) and just have them call you and let you know when the plan on having another get together.

If coming out and asking them for an invite is bothersome for you, break the ice and throw one of your own and invite them? Just have lots of booze, party music, pizza, and entertainment (save the strippers till the second party, don't want to scare them off) (and NEVER play David Lee Roth, that comment, like most of this, was a joke.)
Reply:Do you really want to go to a party where you're not wanted? I think the real issue at hand is why aren't you ever invited? Maybe you need to address what it is you're doing that makes them not want to invite you.
Reply:if you need to trick them for an guess is they probably dont want you there.

How to invite a person to be a friend and have the possibility to communicate on yahoo messenger?

I want to discuss on messenger with
How to invite a person to be a friend and have the possibility to communicate on yahoo messenger?
Click the + sign near top left then follow the prompts and add them to your friend's list.

Can anybody invite me to Gmail?

Is there anybody that can invite me to gmail account for emailing? Thanks!
Can anybody invite me to Gmail?
Send me a request to and I'll reply with an invite.
Reply:I would for $20.00
Reply:If you have a working cell phone, you can sign up on your own. Have a look at to sign up.

Just curious, what email are you using now?

How to create yahoo groups and how to invite my friends to join to my group?

please tell in briefly and help me
How to create yahoo groups and how to invite my friends to join to my group?

click there and follow the prompts to begin your group

after it has been created

the home page will have an INVITE link on the left, click that and inivte all your friends.

What is the average percent of invited people that actually show up to a party?

I am planning a party and I believe I can fit 40-45 people in my house. Other people involved in the party planning have compiled an invitation list of 89 people. If we invite 89 I believe more than 45 will show. I told them it is crazy to invite so many when we can only fit 45 maximum. How many would you invite?

Possibly your feedback can show them that they need to cut the list down to a reasonable number. I feel I am being pressured into something I know is not going to work out.
What is the average percent of invited people that actually show up to a party?
Reply:Ehh... it's really hard to guess sometimes. Whenever I throw a party, I usually check informally with people to see whether or not they're coming, and who they'll bring. that way, I don't waste money buying too much or end up looking like a cheapskate if too many people show up.

It also depends on how many attended your previous parties, and how well "received" your party was. Did people have a really good time? If so, count on a lot of people showing up.

Other factors include the time, day, and weather that day.

BUT - the biggest factor of all is whether there will be free booze! If you're gonna provide lots of drinks, and people know this, count on a lot of people showing up.

For me, typically 75-90% of the people who are invited attend my parties. I'm very generous with food and beverages, plus people always have a good time.

EDIT: I agree with Dawn B.
Reply:If you are throwing a party, you can expect at least 90% of those invited to attend.

At least that has been my experience -- your friends my know better.
Reply:If 45 people is the max you are comfortable hosting, then maybe 50ish should be the max you invite. 89 is way too high. You just don't know if all 89 wouldn't be available to accept and on the other hand you ask 40 or 50 and only 25 come. It's a crap shoot. But if you invite, you have to be able to accommodate. I would stay with what you are comfortable entertaining and stay with that. Less is more.
Reply:This is subjective to the time of day year, etc. If it is a busy travel weekend, you can assume that it will be on the high end of 20% or even more that would not show. You should also consider the 6 degrees of separation. If the 46-89 people are connected somehow, there is a good liklihood that they will show up because they know others that are invited. If 45 is really your max, and your party would be ruined if you physically have more, invite 70. It's your place and having hosted a party with 60, I can tell you it's hard to be a GOOD host to all guests when the number gets that large, and seeing as you are putting time, effort, and money into it, you should be able to enjoy yourself as well.

Inviting some couples who are engaged but living apart to our wedding - one invitation or separate?

We have a few couples invited to our wedding who don't live together yet but are engaged. Is it proper to send them just one invitation or should we send separate ones? If we just send one, can I send it to the women's addresses and just include the men's names on the invitation? They are both girlfriends of mine who are engaged and one is my bridesmaid. I am friends with their fiance's too, but closer to them of course.

Inviting some couples who are engaged but living apart to our wedding - one invitation or separate?
Engaged couples may be invited together as long as both names are on the invitation. In other words, don't put "Miss Jane Brown and Guest", but "Miss Jane Brown and Mr. Joseph Hu". Send them to the girlfriends, since they're who you know.

Put the names on both the envelopes and the invitations.

This is not just acceptable etiquette but also cheaper!
Reply:Correct form is to send one invitation to each address.

A polite hostess will do this for several reasons:

First, people who live apart while engaged may have moral, religious, or personal reasons for that choice; and you would not want to imply to them that you think those reasons are irrelevant, or that they ought to be living together.

Second, you cannot have "first-class" and "second-class" guests. If you send only one invitation you must decide which of the two guests will receive it, and the other guest automatically knows that you consider him secondary.

Third, it is always possible that the engagement may be called off. If you imply by sending one invitation to your preferred guest's address that the invitation is really for her and her guest, she may assume that she can bring a new boyfriend; and her former fiance whom you say is a friend might assume that he is disinvited -- or that he can bring his new girlfriend. You can lose control of your guest list.
Reply:If you are closer friends with the girls, you would send the invite to their home. The envelope would said "To Miss Jenny Smith and Guest". This means the invited girl is allowed to bring a date, and therefore her fiance is invited as well. Also, if something bad happens (A breakup), no ex-fiances. Your friend is still entitled to a date, but her ex-fiance won't be invited to the wedding.

If you were equally close to the girls and their fiances, then you would send invites to all of them and exclude the "and guest" from the envelope.
Reply:i think one invitation with both names on it is enough. They know you're getting married and they talk to each other all the time, I'm sure. So it will be no big deal to just send one invitation. And send it to the girls' house. Usually it's the girls that are better at remembering dates and planning things and not losing things such as invitations. They will make sure their man goes with them.
Reply:I am really not too for sure

If you send them one invitation, what will happen if they break up ( god forbid ) and you still want the EX- fiances to attend?

If you dont think it will be a problem just use one invitation and either say the persons name with a guest or persons name with the fiances name. hope this has helped and congrats dear
Reply:One invite sent to the person which whom you are friends with. when my bf and i were invited to a wedding it was my friends it was sent to me but addressed to us both.

Reply:Since it's the girls who are your friends, send one invitation to the girls' home with both names on the invitation. Put the girls name first (e.g. Ms. Jane Smith %26amp; Mr. Robert Jones).
Reply:You can send one invitation if you want. I sent separate ones to each person, but that's just me.
Reply:One invitation! And include both their names on the invite but send to the girl's house.
Reply:Send them each an invitation. They all deserve their individual invitations even if they say they don't.

How would you ask a woman if she is involved with anyone? How would you invite her to dinner or a movie?

just be like hey are you free tonight?

or hey are you seeing anyone?

wana do something tonight?

it should work!
How would you ask a woman if she is involved with anyone? How would you invite her to dinner or a movie?
Well do you talk to her? If so...somewhere in the conversation just slip in the words..along with a smile.."your boyfriend sure is a lucky man"! ..and if she's involved she'll say "thank you" if she's not, she'll say "oh I don't have a boyfriend" she's all free..then just simply ask "wanna see a movie...or...wanna go out to eat?" ....Good Luck, hope it helps! :-D
Reply:write her and say survey its dinner time you eat alone

B.have a boyfriend that eats with you at a nice resteraunt with me
Reply:First you ask her what did she do this weekend, if there is a BOYFRIEND in there the other question is already answered.
Reply:just say something like, hey you want to catch a movie tonight as friends? that is what i did and it worked
Reply:just ask say

we should go to a movie sometime?

if she says yes then say how about friday at 9

or something
Reply:Ummm.....ASK!!! duh

When you are having a meal, will you invite someone who just pass by if you don't really mean it?

No...I don't do anything unless I really mean it. You shouldn't invite them unless you're prepared to sit with them because there's always a chance they will say yes.
When you are having a meal, will you invite someone who just pass by if you don't really mean it?
Probably not, I'm typically too reserved to do something like that. But you never say never. If the mood was right and I was feeling daring, then why not?
Reply:Absolutely I would. No doubt. While I'm not exactly sure about your question, if I have food and another person clearly has none, I'm gonna share. Couldn't care less about the circumstances. If there is a need and I'm a part of the situation...I'm the helping hand. Just yesterday, while getting fuel at a station, a ratty dog was wandering around looking pitiful. I went into the station, bought a sandwich, %26amp; gave it to the dog. We're here to care for one another, and that applies to all of God's creatures. Count me in.
Reply:Sure. Why not? It's just a meal. If I'm going to eat anyways, who cares if someone tags along?
Reply:If it is someone I really don't care for; NO. If it is someone whom I know may have had something bad happen in their life and needs a friend, yes I would.
Reply:breaking bread with strangers has a long tradition. In many cultures it's common to sit with people you don't know--that's how you get to know them, by sharing a meal.
Reply:yes it may be your own turn next time. Prepare for the raining day
Reply:Where is the question of inviting when you really don't mean it?
name naming

What is the proper etiquette for inviting friends to our engagement party but not the wedding?

We are getting married in 10/2010 and my fiance and I volunteer in numerous fire departments and EMS agencies. We unfortunately can not invite everyone to our wedding but we want them to celebrate with us. Is there a way to invite people to our engagement party next summer but not the wedding? It will be a laid back atmosphere and we don't want them to bring gifts, just to come and enjoy the day with us.

Please help, how do I make this happen??
What is the proper etiquette for inviting friends to our engagement party but not the wedding?
That is actually against etiquette for engagement parties. You don't invite anyone not invited to the wedding. Try having a laid back reception or second reception you can invite them all to and explain to them that the wedding is small and intimate but you are having a large reception to celebrate with friends and family
Reply:Dear Dave,

Bill and I are giving a BBQ at Okeeheelee Park on Saturday 10 June and hope you'll join us. Come as you are and bring your favorite beverage. If there's someone special you'd like to bring, please let us know ahead of time.

Your friend, Lynn

Then at the party you announce your engagement and pop a few corks.That is, you don't give yourself an engagement party, you give your friends a casual party and use the occasion to let them know you have become engaged.

Inviting someone to this party does not obligate you to also invite them to other wedding related parties.

If you are asking how to word the invitation in a way that will oblige your friends to give you engagement gifts, there is no such animal in the etiquette bestiary.
Reply:No can do. It is not proper etiquette to invite people to an engagement party when they are not invited to the wedding also.

Best thing to do? Have a housewarming party after the wedding. Invite your friends then. Or wait until December. Make it a holiday open house.

But it would be better to have a barbecue or informal party AFTER the wedding and invite all at that time.

Engagement parties are only for family and very close friends . . . people who will definitely be invited to the wedding.

And as always, it is not proper etiquette for bride and groom to host a pre-wedding party for themselves. Engagement parties are usually hosted by family . . . parents or grandparents or aunts or uncles or older siblings. They are not hosted by bride and/or groom.

Sorry. But you did ask for the proper etiquette.

My only side thought on this is that if you tell them about the party verbally, and tell them they are welcome to come even though you are keeping the wedding to 'family only', then you might be able to skirt the rules of proper etiquette because you are not sending them a formal invite.

Oh, and since you are asking about etiquette - I really hope you know that you aren't supposed to throw your own engagement party.
Reply:I would say that this is something you shouldnt do, but since you are not requesting gifts (remember not to register anywhere other wise people will feel obligated) I believe it's okay. That way it doesnt seem you are just trying to get something out of them and still not have to pay for them to see the big day. I would send out formal invites with a small note something along the lines of, "since we will not be blessed with having all of our loved ones and friends by our side on our wedding day, we invite you to celebrate our engagement and our upcoming vowels..." This will let all of your guests understand that even though you are unable to have them all there for the big day, they are still important and want to share this special time with them.
Reply:I agree. Having a post-marriage celebration would be the better way to not hurt anyone's feelings for not being invited to the wedding.

And even though you will say no gifts are necessary, some people (like me) would feel compelled to bring something anyway.

I think the possible awkwardness over the non-invites to the wedding would make it better to just have something AFTER the wedding/honeymoon.
Reply:Be honest and tell them all the truth that you can't have them all at the wedding but want them to have fun with you now. They will understand and I did it for my wedding because we didn't want such a large wedding that we had a large engagement party and every one was happy. They will understand. Good luck.
Reply:Just invite them then let them know that it is only family and close friends at the wedding. People will understand alot of people have to cut their list when it comes to weddings. I AM!! The knot says if you start letting them know only family and close friends in the first place it will be ok. I strongly agree!
Reply:No you can not do that. Either there in or out.

How would you feel if some one did that to you.

Hello my name is Shauntia Edwards and I am a Proff Bridal Consultant in Cincinnati, Ohio. My company is called "I Did" By Shauntia Edwards.
Reply:You can't. You can invite a bunch of people over and at the end of the night announce oh we wanted to tell you we are engaged. But that's all.

Telling people not to bring gifts almost never works
Reply:you really can be on the boarder if this is a good or bad thing... I agree with a few others...maybe a nice bash after the wedding... that way it doesn't look like a gift grab.

Can anybody invite me to Orkut community?

Can anybody invite me to Orkut community?
ok go to orkut an tell them i sent you.
Reply:yes i can but before that just give me your yahoo account....

my id is
Reply:Yes, I need your email address and first and last name..
Reply:Ok your invited

Should I invite my ex-husband or my boyfriend to my familys 4th of july bash?

My husband and I are separated, but share custody of our 5 yr old daughter. Every year we go with my family for a beach bash on 4th of July. We have stayed friends and he adores his little girl. I know she wants him there, and I do too. He and my boyfriend hate eachother. For my daughter's sake , should I continue tradition and invite him along? Or do I owe it to my boyfriend to start new traditions?
Should I invite my ex-husband or my boyfriend to my familys 4th of july bash?
If you're separated, then he's isn't technically your ex-husband yet. You're still married. Since you're even considering inviting him to the family function, then it sounds like your relationship isn't entirely over. Maybe I'm reading more into it than what is really there. Is it entirely for your daughter's sake or are you thinking about reconciling?

Anyway, to answer your question...invite your husband.
Reply:You owe it to youself and your family to start new traditions and invite your boyfriend. you ex will understand and so will your daughter. Good luck
Reply:You owe it to your daughter to make a family day a family day. Invite your ex and the boyfriend and make them both understand that although your marriage is have a child together and need to provide for her feelings as well as yours. If your boyfriend and ex cannot understand that ...then it's time to get a new boyfriend. One that puts you and your daughters feelings in the mix and not just his own.
Reply:If your boyfriend is too immature to understand that your daughter needs her Dad, then he's not worth inviting to anywhere around family until he accepts the fact that your ex-husband is going to be around forever (your linked to him for life b/c of your daughter). I would say to invite just your ex-husband so your daughter can spend time with him. Deal with your boyfriend after being with your family. Family comes first.
Reply:you aren't even divorced yet,but you are already bringing a new man into the picture with your daughter? I seriously question your judgement.

Leave your boyfriend home, and have dad come to the party...your daughter is who is important here, not your boyfriend.
Reply:You are a mom. Your responsibility is first to your daughter.

Your daughter should never feel that she is chosing between her dad or you and your new boyfriend. She should always feel that both you and her dad love her and will always love her.

Invite her father. Explain to your boyfriend that he needs to respect the relationship that your daughter has with her father.

Just because you and her father decided to not stay together does not mean your daughter should pay the price and have to choose between you two.
Reply:I think you should start new traditions with your boyfriend. He deserves to have memories of his own with you and your daughter and your family. Think of how uncomforatable it wil be for everyone if your ex was there. You wouldnt want to be around an ex wife or ex girlfriend.
Reply:Well, he would be your EX so I would say no, don't include him. The things that used to be are no more and that changes past tradition. You are starting a new life, I would hope, and that includes you talking to your daughter about such things. Otherwise, that is where the confusion comes in for both you and your child. If the ties are cut then cut them clean!
Reply:How would you feel if your boyfriend invited his ex and not you?

You are divorcing him for a reason. You should invite your boyfriend because if you do not this is showing him that you do not respect him enough to go to your family bash.
Reply:He's your boyfriend, not your "new husband". You don't "owe" him anything. Invite your ex.

Your bf needs to understand that this is a tradition that your child looks forward to. He also needs to understand that the girls' father is always going to be a part of her life, and your bf is going to have to give up certain things because of that. You can always start other "traditions" with your bf, but for this one, stick with what your daughter wants and expects.
Reply:Depends how long you and your bf have been together. If it's been awhile, you should start with new traditions.

You're no longer married to your ex and for very good reasons, no doubt. If you invite him, I doubt your bf will be very understanding...given the fact that they hate each other.
Reply:I don't know how long you've been with your boyfriend so I don't know how much he means to you. But I do think you owe it to your daughters to still keep the tradition between them and their father. Hope everything works out.
Reply:Daughter is way more important than boyfriend. Invite the ex to this for her. Create a new, completely different tradition with the boyfriend doing something else.
Reply:I think you owe it to yourself and your daughter to start a new tradition. You don't have to live to please your ex anymore. You have a new boyfriend, act like it. Move on. Or go back to the ex and forget about it.
Reply:You're between a "rock and a hard place" on this one. Which ever one you choose is going to make the other one furious. If you take the ex, you'll lose the boyfriend for sure. If you take the boyfriend, your ex is going to be hard to deal with. Good Luck! I would take the be with his little girl!
Reply:If you've been with this guys for a long time and your daughter likes him, then take the boyfriend. But if he's still somewhat new, take the ex. Only because your daughter will be comfortable with someone she knows and likes. 5 year olds aren't too thrilled about strangers
Reply:Definitely invite your new boyfriend. New traditions have to start somewhere. This would be a good way for your daughter to also get more accustomed to him being part of family gatherings as well.
Reply:You owe it to your boyfriend to start a new tradition, if your serious about him. Otherwise your not going to find anyone on a permanent bases to stay in a committed relationship with you if your always going to go with your ex to your family reunion. For your Daughter's sake you shouldn't give her false hope of getting back with your ex unless this is your intention,otherwise it's not fair to your little girl to be led on and confused this way.
Reply:If you and your family are ok with your ex being there, do it for your daughter.

Then talk with your bf and tell him what you have decided. Explain to him that your daughter wants her father there because he always has been in the past and you and your family do not have a problem with it. Ask him if he is ok with it and see how he reacts. That alone may tell you alot about your bf and whether he is a good choice in your life.

If he decides to go with you, tell him you expect him to be a gentleman and not start any trouble and if he can't say something good, don't say anything at all. Sounds like he may have some growing up to do and I sure hope he doesn't ruin the family outing.

And also talk with your ex when he is invited and ask him to pls stay away from your bf so there won't be any trouble. Let him know you want your ex there for your daughter but you don't want the family outing spoiled by any immature actions and explain you have told your bf the same thing.

Good luck ~ hope it all works out ok for the sake of your daughter
Reply:I know your daughter wants him there. The easy answer is that they should BOTH be able to go and get along for the sake of the family.

If that's not possible, I would question whether your boyfreind is actually good for you ?!?!? Your ex should be able to get along, or not go.

Perhaps its best for you and your daughter to go and not invite either. That way they both know that the problems between the two of them needs to be set aside for the good of the family.

If this b/f of yours is serious and might lead to husband #2, these two grown men (I assume they're grown) need to get past this issue - b/c they're both going to be in your and your daughter's life for a long while to come.

You don't have to like someone else to get along for one day.

Then again - thats somewhat telling about your choice in men.
Reply:If your family has hostile feelings toward your ex-husband, don't invite him, because it will only create trouble that your daughter shouldn't be around.

If your boyfriend is active in your daughter's life and your family likes him, invite the boyfriend instead of your ex-husband.
Reply:Why should they hate each other? It sounds like there are unresolved issues otherwise these two men who both love your daughter could be in the same room. It might be time for the grown ups to think about the needs of the child.
Reply:if your serious about this bf you have to make new traditions. Your daughter is 5 it's ok. Her daddy and her can start new traditions together.
Reply:You are separated not divorced, right?

So the new boy-friend is not family (yet).

There is no good reason to invite him.

Your daughter will always have her Dad.

So, if he's comfortable, invite him for her.
Reply:continue the tradition.....if ur new bf lovez u n ur daughter he'll understand that ur ex should be with his little girl
Reply:I would tell the boyfriend that you ex is your child's father and therefore, will ALWAYS be in your life and if he can't handle that, then you need to say good bye to HIM. Your bf should care more what's best for your little girl than putting his own immature feelings ahead of her. That shows he might not be good stepfather material anyway.
Reply:Your ex is an ex for a reason. And I doubt your boyfriend will understand, so if I were you I would start new tradtions with the new guy. Unless he doesnt mean anything to you, then by all means invite the ex
Reply:Nina, maybe you and your daughter should just go alone this year. I am not sure how long you have been with your boyfriend, but I would take some time alone this year. If you are serious about your boyfriend, then you probably need to invite him to the family functions going forward.

Can i invite boys to my slumber party?

I'm almost 15!!! yay. well i was wondering if it was alright to invite boys to a sleepover. my plan is about 5 of my closest friends, and 2 guys that are my really good friends. is that dangerous?

My friends are all 14 or 15. no one older or younger.

Do you think that's dangerous?
Can i invite boys to my slumber party?
Not if you know them well. but it all depends on your guardians decision If there your good friend and fine as hell, I say yea! you get to see them in pajamas.
Reply:if they are really close friends no it shouldn't be
Reply:ASK u MOM and DAD but it sounds ok if the other girls are ok with that
Reply:Alot of things can happen that you wouldn't expect so I would say no,and areyuor parents even considering this?
Reply:Only you know what you will or won't let happen to your own body.

Is it not your parents call anyway?
Reply:well talk to your parents about first see what they have to say then if they agree then its fine but if not then you know you cannot. But honestly your parents have to be present since you are so young some boys do have nasty minds.
Reply:No not a good your parents dont think so either.
Reply:its not dangerous ...but remember gurls u gotta behave....!
Reply:sure, then we'll see where you are in nine months
Reply:Well teenager first of all I think you should ask your parents first. Should you give them an invite? I think that if mom and dad say it is okay then go for it. As long as they sleep in a different room and you are being responsible then it should be okay.
Reply:NO just girls for your own good!!
Reply:That would be fun but if u aren't close friendz then that'z a bad idea. You never know what will happen, good luck Chica
Reply:just stick w/ the girls!
Reply:it might be a little. I mean you guys probably are probably really curious and with your parents first....
Reply:Sure, as long as you tie the guys with rope and an option of hand cuffs, unless they are gay.
Reply:do you think your parents will allow that?

Could someone invite me to that has an account?

They wont let you get an account because there's so many people unless your invited. please please please=]
Could someone invite me to that has an account?
For free Demonoid Invitations you may join


at yahoo groups

Reply:Check EVERY day for the open registration days. These can be any day of the week, not every month, and can last hours or days.

Please try your best to keep your share ratio above 1.1 when you get in.

Should i invite my friends over to my really small house?

ok, i have a really small house,and i live with my mom and she is a caregiver so we live with this old lady..and my room is the size of a bathroom...should i invite my friends over?
Should i invite my friends over to my really small house?
Yeah bring your friends over if the elderly lady and your mom don't mind. But if you're bringing a lot of friends and it's inconvenient to you, then you can invite them over and then go out shopping or something.
Reply:you bet ;friends are friends . it will be he same ;even if you lived in a castle .
Reply:if they're your real friends, they wont mind at all
Reply:YES! Your friends will not care if they are actually your friends. Just remember - if it really is that small, don't invite over TOO many friends. I've been to friends house with a lot of space and a little space. I don't care about the size of the space, but the amount of people in that space. Be smart about it, don't invite over more friends than will comfortably fit in your space. I would just want to be able to be comfortable
Reply:of couse true friends dont care bout the stuff you have(or dont have)
Reply:yes!If she is a true friend she wont judge you by your stuff or the size of your house, but by your personality!
Reply:Yes, of course. If she's really your frisnd and a nice person, she will not care how big your house is. Although, if your room has a toilet and a shower inside of it, then you should stick to the living room. XD
Reply:Yeah and I will bring you a jello mold.
Reply:absolutely, don't worry so much about what people think. more times then not its just your own insecurity's and most people don't care.
Reply:if they are rele ur friends they will not care
Reply:So what at least you have a house! Alot of ppl are homeless so who cares. Invite them.
Reply:Sure size does not matter its the idea that counts. You could invite one or two friends at at a time and if you want a big gathering go out to eat. I'm sure your friends will understand. Here is my saying my house is your house and your house is my house so make yourself comfortable ask for anything and have a fun time. If your having fun then I'm having fun if you want to watch tv then I will watch tv etc.
Reply:Yeah, i have a small house and I enjoy having the company of my friends in my house.

What are some romantic ideas when inviting my male friend over for dinner?

I want to tell him I interested and like him. I am ready for a commitment.
What are some romantic ideas when inviting my male friend over for dinner?
Start with a candle light dinner with soft romantic music. You must not forget a bottle of wine. Here's 300 creative dates.Seriously, if you want to impress that special someone on a first date or surprise them for a special anniversary or occasion, grab this book now.
Reply:ok, so invite him over to your house when your parents are out, and say its just as friends and prepare something you know he'd like-if he likes take out pizza do it, and maybe watch a movie at the side. don't go with candles-they have a creepy effect when you're not going out. You could take him to a casual restaurant as friends and one that he likes. Just maybe ten minutes before he leaves, tell him you do like him etc. Just don't overdress-look naturally pretty.
Reply:Have candles and good music. Wine always helps, and you can slip into something more comfortable. Don't forget to hold his gaze and make sure that you smell good and look good. Try not to be too clingy or needy...try seduction instead of throwing yourself at him. Good luck! :)
Reply:Do something that you know he likes to do, make him laugh in the beginning to loosen things up and tell him how great he looks as you put on his favorite record to a dinner. Ask him if you should bring out the candles and see if he blushes.
Reply:Food and wine are the best idea the fact you invite him says it all short of that a stick of dynamite strategically placed about his person.
Reply:his favorite meat. His favorite Movie or game and just some good conversation. Be yourself :)

How to invite your boss on stage?

in any meeting or for his opening remarks
How to invite your boss on stage?
"Yo, Bawss. Get yo @$$ up here!"
Reply:get him drunk
Reply:Knock him out and drag him on stage. And if u get fired from doing that plz don't cry 2 me. OK.
Reply:Pay him or just Command him.
Reply:tell him to :)
Reply:And now without any further ado, the man who pays your wages. Mongomery Burns.
first name

Can i invite friends to vmk to earn credits?

Hi tamara v here! I want to know if you can email friends, tell them to join vmk, and earn credits. If so tell me Plz! And how do i email vmk im confused forgot, WHERE IS IT! Lol Bye peoples! my vmk user is MysteryPinkDolphin maybe i will see you Bye!! name any new vmk codes also!!! :)
Can i invite friends to vmk to earn credits?
No, you can't invite friends to VMK to earn credits.

To email VMK, scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and press the "Contact Us" link. Then, another window should pop up. Just fill out the info it asks.

Good luck! (:
Reply:no u cant, but i wish u could :-(

my username is tohrukun, hope to see u soon!
Reply:No Im Rangers_Hockey_Fan And I Have Minnie Though

PLEASE HELP!!! My Parents Are Out - Should I Invite My Boyfriend Over?

My parents are going to be gone for a few hours.

I really miss my boyfriend, and he lives pretty close by.

I hardly ever get to see him, so I thought it would be perfect if I can invite him over now.

Only problem is, I'm afraid we're going to be really bored...

What can we do at my house?

The only thing I can think of is just lay down/cuddle/make-out, but I want to do something fun.

Any ideas?

Should I invite him over or not?
PLEASE HELP!!! My Parents Are Out - Should I Invite My Boyfriend Over?
make something to eat... cooking can get really messy, though, so make sure he leaves an hour b4 ur parents come back, as they may come back early.

make cookies or something... strawberry ice cream is romantic
Reply:Invite him over %26amp; watch the Super bowl, %26amp; make bets like who is going to score first, %26amp; different things that could happen, He will be surprised you want to watch it, %26amp; have fun doing it*
Reply:remember to use condoms
Reply:chocolate syrup...on you two.

Can i invite my relatives in London if i am german business schengen visa ??

No, u need to be resident in UK to invite your relatives in UK. Your Schengen visa has nothing to do with it.

Can I invite you to attend my brunch club this coming Sunday?

We are going to eat at Iranian Fine Cuisine, you are all welcome to attend.
Can I invite you to attend my brunch club this coming Sunday?
I apologize, but I must decline this most generous offer.
Reply:no i got plans. sorry :)
Reply:Thank you for the kind invitation, but I am attending a christening this Sunday. Maybe another time.
Reply:yeah!!! i luv brunch!!!!!!
Reply:is there alcohol involved?
Reply:sure I would love to.
Reply:Can't say I ever had that type of food. Still, will there be any hot entertainment.
Reply:yes please do.
Reply:Yes, you can invite me. Doesn't mean I'll come though.
Reply:hey,thanks for the invite
Reply:Thanks, what time?

Reply:I'll come... what's the dress code?
Reply:will there be alcohol?
Reply:Sure, you can invite me, but I won't show up. I have more important things to do - like watch paint dry.
Reply:Thanks. I'll be there!
Reply:It would be a delight.
Reply:No thank you
jewish name

One of my best friends didn't invite me to her birthday party! Please help.?

my best friend is doing 2 things for her birthday, sleepover, and ice skating. the ice rink is right by my house, and she lives in my culdasack she wants me to come to the ice skating but no sleepover. should i show up and go in anyway? should i knock on her door when they are in the pool?
One of my best friends didn't invite me to her birthday party! Please help.?
No, if someone didnt want me at their sleepover, im not sure theyre interested in being friends.
Reply:I do not think you two are best friends in the same sense. She didn't invite you for some reason, and unless you are invited you should not go over and invite yourself. First off, that is rude because you weren't invited, and second of all you will look desperate or pathetic. Surely you have other friends, and if so, you could invite them over to your house for a sleep over. Do not go. It will lead to nothing bad BAD! I am not sure how old you are, but now is as good as time as any to realise that some people aren't really your friends. You will become stronger from this and go on. If it really means that much you could always ask her point blank why you were not invited, but be careful because you might not like the answer. Good Luck!
Reply:I think u should just seriously consider why she's doing that. I mean do her other friends not like you?.. You shouldn't even go, if she cant Luvs u (no homo) enough to let you come to a sleepover, its not even worth it.!
Reply:don't go, tell her how u feel though and tell her it was wrong that she didn't invite you to sleep over. go ice skating and then go home.
Reply:The answer to your question is a resounding no!
Reply:Doesn't sound like a best friend.

Who must you invite to fashion shows for/to get publicity?

and how do I get them to come or contact them?
Who must you invite to fashion shows for/to get publicity?
people well-known for fashion houses or modeling agencies

Girlfriend is a receptionist. Her coworkers never invite her to lunches.?

The entire company is comprised of 12 people. At 24 y/o, she is the youngest. The next youngest person is another receptionist at 27 year old girl with 3 kids. Today her entire office is going to lunch, and nobody invited her along or offered to bring anything back for her. It is a predominantly female office... she is the only one without kids and/or alimony... and she is BY FAR the prettiest. I understand women in the workplace are bitches to one another, but she is an intelligent and nice girl, and doesn't deserve this. There is a definite respect issue here, and a serious lack of team-sense and leadership.

I am terribly upset over the way they treat her, and I just do not know what to say or do to help her. What do you think?
Girlfriend is a receptionist. Her coworkers never invite her to lunches.?
That is cold and hurtful but remember, things are not always what they seem. Maybe they think she won't want to just never know what they are thinking. Give them the benefit of the doubt. If she really cares about it, tell her to start asking one or two people to whom she feels closer to lunch. Maybe once a week or so. Once she gets to know them and become friendly with them they probably won't exclude her.
Reply:I am also in reception. I have been for 6 years now , has she ever asked if she could join them ? .. Maybe they feel she has no intrest in going. Tell her to Speak up , Once i spoke up an asked if i could join my co-workers , they ask me all the time now. Tell her Dont be scared to ask , she maybe suprised !
Reply:i would count my self lucky that these nasty people didn't want me to join them. instead of being upset about this show them u have a better life then them by having each other, do things for her at work that thay would not get, like send her some flowers, they will be curiouse, if she wants them to pay attention then they will, but be careful what u wish for, they could just be trouble makers.
Reply:Ummm, someone has to stay behind and get the phones!
Reply:TEll her to KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS....They are just jealous of her!
Reply:Does she have any friends there doesn't sound like it and maybe she isn't telling you everything.
Reply:Um...HELLO!! Did YOU invite her out to lunch?
Reply:Tell her to be glad she isn't in the "group". I too worked at an office with about 10 people all women but 2 men. Most of the people were cool but some were just mean. It is like high school all over again. Tell your girlfriend to find a hobby during her lunch hour and stay her distance personally with them and it will make her job and life easier!
Reply:Someone has to answer the phones while they go to lunch. Sucks being low gal on the totem pole- it will get better for her.
Reply:you have no control over how other people treat her. and neither does she. the only thing that she has control over is the way that she responds. She may not be as old as them but she can display a bit more maturity by doing what she's being paid to do and not play into the catty-ness of the other women at her work.







Reply:Been there, done that...but I ended up making friends with everyone and being the party planner in the end. Nobody went anywhere without me by the time I left the company. How long has she been there? She wil be treated they way she treats and the way she allows herself to be treated. If she sits back and gets mad, they will pick up on it and think she's a *****...but if she makes them her friend, they won't want to leave her out like that. She's young, she needs to learn how to make friends and influence people...and you should stay out of it. I would have a fit if my boyfriend wanted to get involved with office bs on my behalf. They won't have any respect for her if you do.

My Friend wants to know how you invite a celebrity to their party?

You offer them money. If it's for publicity you have to pay.
My Friend wants to know how you invite a celebrity to their party?
i am not sure how the westerns do that,but for some asians,they go through links like tv stations,directors,friends or money to invite,but for what i see,stars only goes to big functions where well known people are........
Reply:Um. You can't unless you have connections or you win a contest or something.
Reply:Get in touch with their PR person and offer lots of money!!
Reply:send her an invitation and tell her your a die hard fan of her.she can bring her bodyguard if she likes.
Reply:What I would do is call them up, (make sure there age-approiate) and then say like 'I'm throwing a party and I was wondering if you would like to come' or something like that, do something like off of mtv's my super sweet sixteen you know how like they always have a something like that
Reply:Have it in a BC marijuana field and invite Willie Nelson.
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