Saturday, November 7, 2009

How would you ask a woman if she is involved with anyone? How would you invite her to dinner or a movie?

just be like hey are you free tonight?

or hey are you seeing anyone?

wana do something tonight?

it should work!
How would you ask a woman if she is involved with anyone? How would you invite her to dinner or a movie?
Well do you talk to her? If so...somewhere in the conversation just slip in the words..along with a smile.."your boyfriend sure is a lucky man"! ..and if she's involved she'll say "thank you" if she's not, she'll say "oh I don't have a boyfriend" she's all free..then just simply ask "wanna see a movie...or...wanna go out to eat?" ....Good Luck, hope it helps! :-D
Reply:write her and say survey its dinner time you eat alone

B.have a boyfriend that eats with you at a nice resteraunt with me
Reply:First you ask her what did she do this weekend, if there is a BOYFRIEND in there the other question is already answered.
Reply:just say something like, hey you want to catch a movie tonight as friends? that is what i did and it worked
Reply:just ask say

we should go to a movie sometime?

if she says yes then say how about friday at 9

or something
Reply:Ummm.....ASK!!! duh

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