Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If you were invited to the wedding of the year: How would you spend your time at the reception?

Having fun, or moaning about the other guests?

Oh, and I almost forgot - would you be wearing a red carnation, or carrying a copy of The Times?
If you were invited to the wedding of the year: How would you spend your time at the reception?
Oh you'll spot me. I'll be wearing red knickers, drinking Lambrini and carrying a copy of Heat.

And I will be outside with the smokers
Reply:Booby trapping the wedding cake, spiking drinks and pinching the as-s of the bride.....

Daffodil and carrying the sun!....
Reply:I'd be drinking the free booze and eating the free food. I'll be wearing a dark suit, with semi-clean underwear underneath.
Reply:I'd be humping the leg of the buffet table wearing only a pair of flourecent chaps and a bow tie! :)
Reply:getting completely shitfaced. Got shitfaced at the last wedding I was at.
Reply:Have loads of fun and not worry about what people think, as the time to get away with it is definately weddings lol.
Reply:I'd be having fun and wearing a red carnation! Weddings aren't the place to moan and b*tch. You can do that after, lol!
Reply:Having fun and wearing a red carnation.
Reply:Having fun and chatting to the other guests.
Reply:Getting drunk and having fun i would wear the carnation.
Reply:I love people watching, so it would be fun to see all the top nobs get drunk and see how they behave. lol
Reply:Eating all the free food.
Reply:I'd be hammering the free bar

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