Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Is it true that All we have to do is invite Jesus into our lives.?

You have to invite Jesus into your heart as Lord of your life. If you do that, you will follow Him because of the love you have for Him, not because there are some rules for you to follow.
Is it true that All we have to do is invite Jesus into our lives.?
I think that's a great start but this doesn't always necessarily guarantee that now we have become saved. I'm going to emphasize here that there is no magic formula or words to say that will guarantee salvation. Only God can grant us the gift of eternal life and it doesn't necessarily come that easily.

One example I'm reminded of is for instance the Billy Graham crusade. When the call goes out for people to invite Christ hundreds of people come down the aisles to "accept Jesus" into their lives. That's great but you'll also find that although many may have been "caught up in the moment" and "accepted Jesus" they eventually turn away from Christ. Does that mean they lost their salvation? No, it means that their repentance and belief was never real in the first place although they may have went through the motions of someone appearing to come to Christ.

True salvation is manifest in a demonstration of faith not a profession of faith. If the word of God has taken root in our lives and we have been converted this results in a life changing experience where we become sanctified more and more as we live our life. It results in a life that is deeply grieved and sorry for sin and it results in us repenting of our sins. It means that the fruits of the spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience and kindness are manifest. It means we trust the Bible and Christ 100% and it means our hope and treasure is heaven rather than the things of this life.

If faith and repentance of sins has not been manifest in our life we have to ask the question "am I really saved?" The sad thing is many people decieve themselves into thinking they have become saved when they have not. When Judgment Day does come it will be revealed that their conversion never took place and Christ will say "I never knew you".
Reply:No Jesus will not enter into you if you are full of sin, you MUST first repent, clean your house(heart) before you invite the living God into you.

He can not dwell in sin!

But if you want him he will prompt you to do this and stay with you if you listen to his church which he left to guide you and lead you into a true life with God.

That is the Catholic church where men are ordained by apostolic tradition to bind or loose on earth as it is in heaven.

Christ said do not fear, come and drink from the well of life and eternity in God is yours.
Reply:NO!!! If it was that simple then why is the church full of sinners all trying to get rid of their sins by their perpetual repentance prayers, making God so very angry?

Jesus said this, "Many are on the broad way which leads to death, but narrow is the way which leads to life, but few find in." It is therefore not so easy to just believe in Jesus, for the narrow way is hard to find. The Bible even tells us this: 'You do well by saying just believe in Jesus, but I tell you, even the devils believe and tremble."

And looking at the church today it becomes clear that only few have found the narrow way, for you cannot find one single holy and sinless saint in just any church.

The only way to this narrow way is for the seeker to cast his notions and thoughts he accumalated along the way away, and follow those saints who have gone before, and learn what this true faith is that God approves of, and then believe in it 100%.

These saints can be found in those websites recorded in my Avatar. Seek and you will find.
Reply:you dont HAVE to but it so great havin someone to give all ur problems to its not like when you ask him in your life everythings perfect because ill tell u one thing 4 sure, ITS NOT! but the world is gonna end someday and b4 that jesus is commin back and thats so great and the bible say one day every knee will bow and every toung will confess that jesus is king!! and ur not saved if u just ask him in ur life one time and ignore it its a life long thing!!!! so that mite be a supprise but its the truth life isnt easy but with jesus its alot easer!btw we dont tink we r god well at least i dont so ya and dont see a phcytrist =) god bless u lol
Reply:If things were by faith i know i will be having billions of dollars in my name and i would be living super fine and being the architect of my own life .

If by faith were things possible to anyone I will be having my own life as wanted by me !

Jesus was a psyco and so his followers , that is what he talk me himself with his actions and words !


Reply:No. Jesus made it perfectly clear that you must pick up your cross and follow him. All these people who are telling you yes are deceiving you. They are the Pharisee Christians so don't listen to them. That is one of the reason Jesus got onto them. They believe in God, but they did not follow the laws of God. Instead they put themselves in God shoes and made themselves to be God.
Reply:Yes. One must also repent of sin first.

Prayer for Salvation: Jesus Christ is the Son of God. If we have invited Jesus to come and live within us and be the Lord of our lives then our inheritance in the future kingdom is assured.

God's word says in John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

In order to invite Jesus to be your Savior and Lord, you must believe in you heart that He is the Son of God, believe that He died upon the cross of Calvary as an atonement for your wrong doings, and believe that He arose from death and the grave. We must confess and repent of our sins and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. If you have never done this then stop right now and pray this prayer.

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus repenting and asking forgiveness of all my sins. Your Word says, "whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21). I am calling on You. I pray and ask Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord over my life according to Romans 10:9-10. "If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised Him from the dead thou shalt be saved" I do that now. I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I am a Christian ..a child of Almighty God! I am saved!

You are now an heir to the Kingdom of God! Your future is assured. I want to encourage you to find a church in your local area to attend. Tell someone that you have just received Jesus as your Lord. Than start digging into God's Word.

"I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day" (2 Timothy 1:12

Reply:Inviting Jesus into our lives is one thing; keeping him there is another. To keep Jesus in our lives we have to keep on following him. He is the Master, we are the disciples.

It is best one invite Him now; rather than beg Him to come when life has beaten you down to unreasonable depths of depravity; be they intellectual or physical.
Reply:Just ask him to forgive you of all your sin,s and mean it and he will

then ask him to come and live in your heart and you will feel his presence.
Reply:Not really. You have to learn what he taught and follow it.

Add- "Inviting" is one thing. If you don't actually learn and DO, you haven't done anything but let the invitation go to waste.
Reply:Well yes that is the first step, trying to live to live by God's word is difficult - at least for this sinner.
Reply:Yup. But you have to understand what that means. Here is a good primer:

Reply:Yep; once one takes that initial step away from sanity, the irrationality is able to perpetuate itself.
Reply:it depends on the results you are expecting.

1. live your life as if nothing changed - yes

2. go to a fictional heaven forever - no
Reply:Its like vampires, they can only enter the house if the man of the house invites them in.
Reply:It's a gift that you cannot earn or lose. Isn't that great. :D

Reply:Yes, that is the first and most important step of an on going process.
Reply:No, you have to believe in God and Jesus and accept Him as your Savior .. then you have eternal life
Reply:He's dead. Face it.
Reply:That's all you have to do to enter delusion.
Reply:No, maybe check up with your psychiatrist?
Reply:Yes, for salvation, that is correct...and also an amazing life too!
Reply:you have to accept him as your lord and savior
Reply:Yes! Romans 10:9-13, with a sincere/convicted heart! %26lt;')))%26gt;%26lt;
Reply:No man can come to Jesus unless the Holy Spirit draws him.
Reply:I invited him in for dinner one night.

Next morning, he was gone and so was my silverware!
Reply:Not really...

Almost anybody can be a Christian the Clergy and the Preachers have a way to make you a Christian in no time, but Jesus was telling everybody that only very few of them will make it into Heaven... the rest will sizzle in Hell for ever and ever. You must remember that “salvation” is a fair weather deal in the Bible. It is not applicable to anybody in peril of his/her life. To be “saved” in the Bible involves a well defined personal effort accepting the claims of the person doing the salvation. In real life such a person in peril of his/her life may not be in condition to answer questions or to cooperate in the least with the savior and the savior must do all the work of salvation if he/she is serious about “saving” anybody! NOT SO IN THE BIBLE STORIES!!!

Matthew 7:13-14 (Jesus said) "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and ONLY A FEW FIND IT.

Jesus NEVER made it easy for anybody to find the small gate and narrow road. And of the “ONLY FEW WHO FIND IT”… not all of them will be able to get in... Good conduct has nothing to do with “finding the narrow door” to Heaven!

Luke 13:23-24 (NIV) Someone asked him, "Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?" He said to them, "Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because MANY, I tell you, WILL TRY TO ENTER AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO* (*Isn’t God the Son Jesus Christ a first class teaser?).

The few who find the small gate and narrow road to Heaven need to hate their own family and everybody else in the world to follow Jesus! Never mind that the 10 Commandments say, “Thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother!”…

Matthew 10:34-37 niv

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn

“'a man against his father,

a daughter against her mother,

a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—


So much for the PRINCE OF PEACE…!!!

Luke 14:26 (NIV) Jesus Christ said, "If anyone comes to me and does not HATE* (*Greek=”miseo”=to abhor!) his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple."


Most Christians today don’t stop like Saint Peter did to reflect on the possibility that they might be phony Christians…

Mark 10:28-30 (NIV) Peter said to him, "We have left everything to follow you!" "I TELL YOU THE TRUTH,"* (*duck!) Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children* (*the SOB Bible writers are promoting the total neglect and rejection of child support!) or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a HUNDRED TIMES as much in this present age [RIGHT NOW!!!] homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields--and with them, persecutions* (*from former abandoned wives and children! Spiritually speaking, of course! Hard core Christians ignore a lot of Jesus’ rules that they need to follow to go to Heaven when they die!) and in the age to come, eternal life. (TRUE! Most preachers are making a considerable fortune preaching the Gospel…! The rest are the “dedicated” more gullible not so lucky ones just content to make a living on it!)


Matthew 18:8 (NIV) Jesus Christ said, "If your hand or your foot causes you to sin cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you TO ENTER LIFE maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire."

Apparently, there isn’t going to be any cripple person in Hell! Not only that, but according to God the Son Jesus Christ many Christians ought to consider plain castration for the “kingdom sake” (Check “castrati” on Wikipedia!)… Sweet Jesus recognizes such efforts and hints his approval in spite of the fact that God the Father in Heaven said that no eunuch will come near him! So there will be segregation in Heaven, but what the heck Jesus is that counts!

Matthew 19:12b (KJV) (Jesus said)…and there be eunuchs* (*castrated guys), which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

Nobody beats the Bible writers at Jesus making political promises payable in this lifetime if you wish to follow him! The acid test comes when Jesus finds out that you are neither hot nor cold and he pukes you out of his Holy Belly (Rev 3:16). Just to make sure that you understand that this opportunity of going to Heaven is a one shot deal, the Bible writers are saying that only a dog goes back to eat its own vomit! But what the heck! Christians are trained to love Jesus, anyway!

Most preachers today poach verses here and there to make Christianity palatable to everybody. All that you hear now is that Jesus wants to make you rich and healthy so most of the stinky crap in the Bible is ignored!
Reply:I wish it were that simple.

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