Sunday, May 23, 2010

Who would you invite to dinner?

Age old question...If you could invite anyone living or dead (and even ficticious characters) to dinner, who would it be and why?
Who would you invite to dinner?
Drew Carey, Daria, Marilyn Manson, Bill Clinton, and Tori Amos. It would be awesome to be a fly on that wall.
Reply:I don't know. My sister and I discussed this on a long car trip one time and spent hours making our "list"

I got it narrowed down to:


2.)Mother Theresa

3.)Kathy Bates

4.)Johnny Cash

5.)My Grandmother

If nothing else, the meal would be interesting.
Reply:Rodney Dangerfield and Anne Ramsey

It would be entertaining and I'd get them to put messages on my answering machine.
Reply:I would invite Jesus, Peter, Paul, Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman.
Reply:someone rich so i dont have to pay the bill.

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