Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How do i invite friends when i try they arent recieving the invites?

UPDATED (new Favorite link):

You can't. The invitation function is not working right now for many people and there is no way around that fact. It could be similar to past invitation problems, where eventually the invite will show up or work, but until then this issue is not solvable by 360 users.

However, you can add people to your 360 space as a Favorite instead. Click the "Add" link under their personal profile picture module on their Top Page. Make sure the "Invite As a Friend" option is not selected before sending the invite. They won't actually receive the invite (as a part of this feature). But they will be added to your private Favorites list. You will only be able to use "Public" areas of their 360 space (and vice versa). That's the best you can do until this issue is resolved (hopefully) by Yahoo.

See for more information on 360 glitches. See for more about Favorites.
How do i invite friends when i try they arent recieving the invites?
Thanks for voting! Report Abuse

Reply:Thanks kee for a great answer and those links were very helpful. Report Abuse

Reply:invites and testimonials arent working rite now due to sum problems..i hate it!! but it will problem be fixed soon..


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